Getting Cosy With You Partner Or Vomiting In The Cab Can Now Get You Blocked On The Uber App

According to new norms from Uber getting cosy with the partner in cab ca get the riders off Uber platform.
Updated on Mar 16, 2017, 12:37 IST-1.4 K Shares

Getting cosy in the car may be a cool idea for some but doing it in an Uber is surely not a good idea. Uber, the app-based taxi provider has come out with a set of guidelines for riders and drivers and any type of sexual conduct is a big NO. Violations can get one kicked off the Uber platform.

"That's no sexual conduct with drivers or fellow riders, no matter what," says the stern warning from Uber. 



Another act which can get the passenger out of the cab and Uber platform is ‘vomiting in the cab due to alcohol consumption. The list of forbidden actions includes "unwanted contact with the driver or fellow passenger after the trip is over", "touching or flirting with other people in the car" and the favourite Indian habit of asking "overly" personal questions.

The guidelines, applicable in all Indian cities where Uber has a presence, are a response to rising complaints against drivers and counter-complaints against riders. The good news is that a single incident won't get you kicked off.
As per the guidelines, depending on the nature of the "problematic behaviour", the company will contact you to investigate, though it may put your account on hold during that time. Uber had released a set of guidelines globally late last year. The Indian version came last month.
"If the issues raised are serious or a repeat offence or you refuse to cooperate with the driver, you may lose access to Uber," the statement says. The guidelines, which have been translated into 10 Indian languages, are meant to be a yardstick for good behaviour, both for riders and drivers. An official said the Indian version has been tweaked to reflect local sensibilities.
The official said the community guidelines are "largely" going to be standardised while keeping in mind the need to adapt to certain nuances, both legal and operational, that are unique to each country.



"This helps ensure for example that a rider in Chennai has largely the same experience and expected behaviour outcomes when he books an Uber in San Francisco or London," said the official. The guidelines are quite exhaustive and make it apparent that riders too have responsibilities.

As the Uber statement says, "When drivers use Uber, they do more than simply drive: they're sharing their own car, their space, their time and a slice of who they are with passengers".

It goes on to add that most riders show drivers the respect they deserve."But some don't -whether it's leaving trash in the car, throwing up in the back seat after too much alcohol or asking a driver to break the speed limit so they can get to their appointment on time.This kind of poor behaviour is not OK, which is why we will take action against passengers who are rude, abusive or violent."

Drivers' misdemeanours have also been categorised. For instance, repeated refusals, cancellations and dip in star ratings are yardsticks for drivers getting blacklisted, along with a few other actions. Drivers can't "discriminate" either, on basis of where the rider is going or based on the rider's caste, religion, disability etc.
