Seven Elephants Electrocuted From Power Supply Lines In Odisha While Searching For Food

Bobins Abraham
Bobins Abraham
Updated on Jul 07, 2019, 12:03 IST-3.2 K Shares
Odisha Elephants

In a tragic incident, seven elephants from a herd which had strayed into a village in Odisha in search of food were electrocuted after they came in contact with a power line.

The incident happened in Kamalanga village in Odisha’s Dhenkanal district Friday night.

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The herd of 13 elephants were crossing the railway track at Kamalng were they came in contact with 11kv electric wire laid for a railway track construction.

According to villagers the electric wire was hanging loosely and the seven elephants which came into contact with it died immediately.

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The dead elephants include a tusker and six females. While three carcasses were lying on a road, four others were inside a canal.

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Meanwhile the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests has issued a statement blaming the electricity department for the death of the 7 elephants. 


It stated that the forest department had told the energy department to direct the agency concerned to ensure that the electric wire was at a height of 17-18 feet above the ground.

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Though elephant deaths are not rare in the state, this is said to be the highest number of fatalities in a single incident in Odisha.
